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Iboga : l’Occident s’enrichit, le Gabon distrait laisse filer son or vert

Iboga: The west profits while distracted Gabon lets its green gold slip away

Ca S'Explique - IBOGA.épisode complet

Ca S'Explique - IBOGA. Full Episode: A Mind-Bending Disappearance. Iboga is a tropical plant with remarkable therapeutic properties. Ibogaine, extracted from its root, has proven effective in helping people overcome addictions to hard drugs. Unfortunately, this small endemic shrub...

Iboga and biodiversity: Blessings of the Forest's fight for sustainability in Gabon

On Arte, five "Guardians of the Forest" show the way to preserve the lungs of the planet.

Co-fondateur et vice-président de l’association « Blessings Of The Forest » qui milite pour la protection de l’Iboga, Yann Guignon est l’invité du #gstoreshow #ibogaine #gabon🇬🇦

Yann Guignon, co-founder and vice-president of the association "Blessings Of The Forest," which advocates for the protection of Iboga, was a guest on the Gstore Show.

Gardiens de la forêt - Toute la série documentaire

Guardians of the Gabon forest, the Forest that heals

Les Gardiens de la Forêt : Hilarion Kassa en tournée en France

Guardians of the Forest: Hilarion Kassa on Tour in France

Les Gardiens de la forêt Une série de rendez-vous pour repenser notre rapport au vivant

Guardians of the Forest - A series of events to rethink our relationship with living beings

Inquiétude pour l'avenir de l'iboga, plante psychotrope, au Gabon

Concern for the future of iboga, a psychotropic plant, in Gabon

Menacé « d’extinction », le Gabon interdit l’exportation de l’Iboga

Threatened with "extinction," Gabon bans the export of iboga

This psychoactive plant could save lives—and everyone wants to cash in

This psychoactive plant could save lives—and everyone wants to cash in

Filament health announce first ever Nogoya Protocol-compliant shipment of Iboga from Gabon

Gabon Takes First Step Toward Legal Export of Sustainable Iboga

Gabon Takes First Step Toward Legal Export of Sustainable Iboga

Psychedelics Could Become Extractive Capitalism—Unless We Hold Stakeholders Accountable

Psychedelics Could Become Extractive Capitalism—Unless We Hold Stakeholders Accountable

Rapport de la phase 2 de l’Initiative d’Engagement Communautaire de l’Iboga et de l’Ibogaïne

Report on phase 2 of the community engagement initiative for iboga and ibogaine

Un accord pour mieux rentabiliser les produits forestiers non ligneux dont l’iboga

An agreement to better monetize non-timber forest products, including iboga

#18 ep1.1_Action Needed Toward Iboga Sustainability_Yann Guignon

#18 ep1.1 Action Needed Toward Iboga Sustainability Yann Guignon

Un accord pour mieux rentabiliser les produits forestiers non ligneux dont l’iboga

Commercialization of iboga: the Nagoya protocol approach

Gabon: le bois d'iboga, convoité par tous les laboratoires du monde

Gabon: iboga wood, coveted by laboratories worldwide

Iboga : Fragile leadership du Gabon dans l’exportation d’un PFNL porteur

Iboga: Gabon's fragile leadership in exporting a promising non-timber forest product

Iboga : Exportation suspendue au Gabon

Iboga: export suspended in Gabon

Gabon : inquiétude pour l'avenir de l'iboga, plante psychotrope

Gabon: concern for the future of iboga, a psychotropic plant

Protection des espèces /Une plantation d’Iboga dans l’Ogooué-Ivindo

Species protection: an iboga plantation in Ogooué-Ivindo

Yann Guignon réponds aux questions de Dafresh sur le trafic international de l'Iboga au Gabon

Yann Guignon answers Dafresh’s questions on the international trafficking of iboga in Gabon

Yann Guignon parle de ses activités autour de l'Iboga dans l'intérieur du Gabon

Yann Guignon talks about his activities surrounding iboga in the interior of Gabon

Le Gabon s’associe à Blessing of the Forest pour valoriser ses produits forestiers non-ligneux

Gabon partners with blessings of the forest to enhance the value of its non-timber forest products

Gabon : l'iboga, cette plante psychotrope si convoitée

Gabon: iboga, the highly coveted psychotropic plant

Blessings Of The Forest (BOTF) et Conservation Justice (CJ) promeuvent le patrimoine naturel et culturel dans l’Ogooué-Ivindo et la Ngounié

Blessings Of The Forest (BOTF) and Conservation Justice promote natural and cultural heritage in OgoouéIivindo and Ngounié

Yann Guignon nous parle de l'importance de l'Iboga

Yann Guignon talks to us about the importance of iboga

Un accord pour mieux rentabiliser les produits forestiers non ligneux dont l’iboga

An agreement to better monetize non-timber forest products, including iboga

Our Projects

We support the development of village communities

wishing to sustainably and equitably share the material and immaterial wealth derived from their forests.