SKU: 000005

Ghé Sandza

The Ghé Sandza is a traditional Gabonese rattle made from a cluster of shells from different types of local trees and a wooden handle reinforced with lianas. The shells used here come from a tree called “Muyungu” or “Mudjungu” in the vernacular language (Massanga/Punu), which belongs to the “Drypetes” family according to the Latin classification.

It is played mainly as part of the Bwete Missoko ritual and ceremony.

This traditional musical instrument is made by Vincent Maghamou a.k.a. ‘Ghekado’ (‘Issika’ Association), Master Initiator (‘Nima’) of Bwete Missoko and Dissumba.

Ghekado is one of the artisans most supported by BOTF because of his invaluable knowledge and his project to develop a traditional village.


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